Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Richard McGuire

Dear Family,

First off, sorry for the lame emails lately. I have come up with a plan to make my emails better and more spiritual and longer. Second off, it is Halloween in the Maritimes this week which means people are putting there costumes over their winter gear which should look pretty hilarious. For Halloween, I am going as Clayton M. Christensen. If you don't know who that is, I would exhort you to look that man up. On to the week

Quote of the Week
It's lunch time and I am juicing. Elder Wolvers is making a salad and Elder Collett is making breakfast potatoes. He's adding onions and salt and peppers and it smells amazing. He then goes to the fridge and pulls out some eggs to fry up with his potatoes.

Elder McGuire: What are you doing?

Elder Collett: I'm making breakfast potatoes

Elder McGuire: You're going to adulterate that perfectly good hash!

So anyways, this has probably been the hardest week physically in my life. We are out of kilometres for the month which means we are walking to Nottingham and pretty much everywhere. If we do the math: The average Elder walks about 4 kilometres an hour, we walked for 21 hours this week. Add 10ks for the distance we cover running each morning during the week and we get about 94 kilometres! I don't know how many miles that is, but I am so exhausted out of my mind. The Spirit and kale have carried me this week and the best news is! We get to do it all again this week!! Yayyyyyy. Cannot wait until our ks are renewed this Saturday. Our area is so large we should be wiser with car use. Walking is great exercise though!

Pics from Eastport, Maine. My first lobster dinner!! Officially a maritimer now

This past Monday I had my first ever lobster dinner! Lobster is like 3 bucks a lobster out here so there was no problem in getting some. We ate with this less-active member, Shawn, who's a member of the coast guard. Originally from California and stationed out here in Maine, he doesn't come to church because there's no YSA in Atlantic Canada. I think there's a YSA branch in Halifax and maybe one in Portland, Maine, but that's out of the mission. He's moving to Ohio for school and fell away from the church because of the lack of the church out here. Nevertheless, we challenged him to get involved with YSA in Ohio, so I think our efforts are not wasted, even if people are moving away.

Some other great news this week was that I gave two blessings! It's interesting to see how Heavenly Father counsels His children. The very first thing He does is let them know He loves them. Heavenly Father does love all of His children and loves them enough to send His son to give us the gospel to then return to Him. The gospel is beautifully simple.

The first blessing we gave was to another missionary at District Meeting who has a hand, mouth, and foot disease that's going around. Incredibly, bacteria can survive out here. The second was very special for me. We were street contacting in Maine and we were in the middle of a contact when this one man comes up to us to introduce himself. Aaron is from North Carolina and suffers from depression and anxiety. He really opened up and I really opened up. Probably one of the more tender experiences on my mission. I think Heavenly Father was speaking to both of us as I was the voice for blessing Aaron. We'll continue to work with Aaron as he is less-active and will only be in Calais, Maine for a short while. He needs to come to church.

An interesting thing about Aaron is that he approached us. That just doesn't happen around here. In our member-visits, we have been challenging members to pray for the missionaries in their ward by name daily. A member here, Brother Murray (amazing wood carver and ward missionary) told us that he had been praying for people to approach us on the street. So far we have had three people approach us and we've set up three potential investigator return appointments.

One of the persons who stopped us on the street was a woman named Meredith. She goes to the non-denominational church and is losing her grandmother to cancer. She stopped her truck and called us over. "Are you Jehovah Witnesses?" And I was thinking, "Oh great here we go." Like she was going to bash with us, but she explained her situation and was saying that she's really looking for some direction in her life. We will be meeting with her Tuesday to teach The Plan of Happiness!!!!

With all of this walking, we had a large thunderstorm this past week that lasted for three days. Of course we still go to work despite the elements, so we proselyted for seven hours in the rain. Bleck I have never been more wet in my entire life! It definitely showed Heavenly Father that we are willing to do His Will, despite the elements.

Despite the potential investigator lessons we have set up, Dennis is struggling. He doesn't want to keep commitments or get across the border. There's a big temptation for Maritime missionaries to stick with the people they teach even if they aren't progressing. Elder Collett was in Cambellton, NB for 8 months and only taught one man who didn't even progress. It takes faith to let these people go until they are prepared to receive the gospel and change their lives to be in more harmony with Christ's, but it is necessary.

When we are not wasting our time with people who don't want to progress, we find the ones that do! We contacted this young teenage couple who have both come from rough homes and have attended a pentacostal church. They were worried that our meetings would be just as weird, but THEY CAME TO CHURCH!!! BOOYAH!!! Stayed for almost all of it and we taught the Restoration in Gospel Principles. AMAZING!!! Return appointment and follow-up are in order.

Something that I would love to mention. I love calling people, committing people to change, and following up with them. There's so much power behind a phone call and using the tools necessary to move the work forward. There's more than one way to preach the gospel. If all you can do is pray for your missionaries, then do that every time you pray and mean it!

As you saw in the pictures, we had an excellent Halloween party at the Hansens. This is so incredible. The Gordon's taught a lesson about putting on the armour of God and doing missionary work. They made it fun for all of the kids and then we decorated pumpkins. All of the missionaries got together and we made President Leavitt into a pumpkin. Don't think we'll be emailing the picture haha. Also, to be festive, I will be juicing a pumpkin this Friday to celebrate health and Halloween. Brother Hansen wants to return to the fold I just know it. He just needs to know that the atonement is for everyone.

The Gordon's did a fantastic job at our first ward FHE!!!

 We decorated pumpkins........

 What a great party!

We all make mistakes in life, but these mistakes are taken away through the atonement. No matter how far you've strayed from the iron rod, the atonement will take you back.

A scripture I would like to share with you all is Moroni 8:6

And now, my son, I desire that ye should labour diligently, that this gross error should be removed from among you; for, for this intent I have written this epistle.

Even if we are not seeing the first successes of our work, we must press forward. Even when nothing has been produced or we don't think what we're doing is going anywhere, we must labour diligently.

Thank you all for writing me! 



Elder McGuire 

Seriously the best day of knocking. Knocked into this one wiccan woman who was trying to learn how to play the drums. She wasn't interested in the gospel, but she wanted to hear me play!

Halloween in St. Stephen :D AND My first cup of Tim Horton hot chocolate. Now I'm a Canadian eh!

Fireworks from the evening :D

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

It's officially cold

Richard McGuire

Oct 20

Dear Family,

I don't have a ton of time because emailing is always interesting when we go to the library to do it. It is like a box of chocolates from the Ganong Chocolate Factory-you never know what you're going to get. Nevertheless, I apologize if I am cut short again. Hopefully I'll be able to get back on, but for now, here's how the week went :D

I had a really great Canadian Thanksgiving! We had supper with the Bellis Family. They are like a normal Mormon family. It is the strangest thing because we don't have a whole lot of families that attend church. It is usually members that are older who have connections with Utah or Alberta or other places where the church
is strong.
                                                    All bundled up in my new coat.                                           
                                                           It's going to be so cold D:

 Sadly, the Bellis' are moving to St. John soon because of the economy and nothing really keeping them here. Brother Bellis served a mission in France and Sister Bellis is totally a young pinterest mother. They are great! After eating dinner which consisted of mainly English food-to describe Atlantic Canada I would say it's like England but without the British accent-and really great sweet potato pie. Go and feed your missionaries! They will love you for it!!! We also got those rad pictures from Sister Bellis who is a photographer. I wish they were staying, but hopefully some new family moves in.

We have been really blessed this week with dinner appointments. We usually eat dinner once a week at the Hansens. Sister Hansen just got rebaptized in January and Brother Hansen is still excommunicated, but they are both great people. They love us so so much and make a lot of tasty English food. We had breakfast and let me tell you, there are two people on this planet that could make me eat eggs: Grandpa McGuire and Brother Hansen. Wow they were good omlettes. I will say that cooking roadkill is kind of just the thing to do out here. Might I say that raccoon is not the worst tasting thing in the world. You just need a lot of butter.

I really feel like Brother Hansen is progressing. He has done some things that weren't too great, and doesn't think like he can repent, but his heart has been softening. He came to all hours of church this past week in a suit!!!! I was so happy. You're prayers are softening hearts I can promise you they are. Brother Hansen also wants to hold an FHE at his house for Halloween! We'll be shooting off fireworks and decorating pumpkins. Please pray for Brother Hansen, I really think that he could be baptized by the end of the year.

We had splits in Fredericton this past week with the Zone Leaders. I bought my winter clothes and had a stressful time. Never tell anyone you're from Arizona when buying winter clothes. We wasted like two hours trying to find the best clothes and then at the end my card didn't even work. So we had to go to the bank and I withdrew like 800 bucks. Gah. At least I'll be warm. My coat is a Helly Hansen from Norway. This is the real deal. Don't worry about me Mom, you can bet that your boy will be warm! The most expensive thing was probably the underarmour thermals. I needed three of them and they took up about half my total purchase. They are made for scientists that go down to Antarctica, so I'll be pretty warm no worries.

Getting kicked out again gah

Dennis is progressing

We contacted for 7 hours the other day and got three potentials!!!

It is cold

Alma 29:1-4!!

Love you all!
Elder McGuire 
The beautiful Fall scenes from St. Stephen

The libraries in Maine are really different. That is all I will say

Tricked out the back of my tag with the appropriate stickers

Juicing for the week :D Bought some kale. Going to go crazy and buy some chard

The most interesting missionaries in the world. This one member had moustaches and wanted to take pictures of us so we joined in on the fun. Canadians get pretty wiley when Thanksgiving comes along.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Richard McGuire

Yes it is Turkey Day here in Canada. Living in a border town is great because the members are both American and Canadian. Therefore, we will get two thanksgivings this week! Granted you can't juice turkey, but hey, if members want to feed us, I will eat anything that they give me. I think we can measure our missionary efforts by numbering how many people make it out to church each week. Yesterday we had about 60 which is good because in previous weeks it's only been about 45 or 53. Getting people to church is probably the most difficult thing to do in this area. I encourage you all if you haven't gotten the chance already, to look up the ward boundaries in LDS tools for the St. Stephen ward. 

I'm guessing that I'll be in St. Stephen for three more months. I wish it was longer because I absolutely love this area. Despite the lack of pleasant conversations, I wouldn't be anywhere else in the world. I know Heavenly Father needs
me in Atlantic Canada for a reason. Being a new missionary feels daunting, but getting some time underneath me makes the journey not as long as it feels-obviously. With being a greenie I get an extra hour of companionship study for training. I don't know if I've mentioned this in the past, but I'm really enjoying training! It reminds me a lot of the MTC and I think I'll be reviewing all of the fundamentals throughout my whole mission. It was hilarious because on the training videos, The District, they're doing weekly planning and their numbers were like what we could probably get in a year. All you can do in this situation is plant seeds and then future missionaries will harvest those seeds.

As far as my week went it was a difficult and exhausting week, but I believe that when we are in the most trials and tribulations, we draw closer to our Saviour. Yes that is how you spell Saviour. Canadian Google Chrome is so rad. Anyways! After emailing last week I got a haircut and had an excellent gospel conversation with the barber. Someone please explain to me how you can not be religious but still believe in God. Nevertheless, he gave a great cut and if you look

on our FB page, Mormon Missionaries in St. Stephen, you will behold me holding a large zucchini with a rad haircut. Then we went grocery shopping which was very eventful. When you juice you save money, time, and increase your health. In the words of one of the members here "This is how the bear runs in the woods" (Sidenote: that really reminded me of my goof at my farewell talk hahaha). So I only spent 15 bucks on groceries for the week because all I do is juice, and win, but mostly juice. However, Elder Wolvers' card wasn't working and was rejected so I had to pay 85 bucks for his groceries. He'll pay me back, but Mom thank you so much for trying to teach me life skills. They come in really handy from time to time, especially on a mission.

I've begun to memorize a scripture or sentence from PMG daily. I think President Monson said this a while ago, but if one does this on their mission, then they'll come back with a photographic memory. In between doors is a great time to memorize scripture and I'm trying to memorize a couple of larger works:The Psalm of Nephi, The Sermon on the Mount, The Living Christ, Elder Holland's testimony of the Book of Mormon. Things like that. It's a great way to see success in myself even if the area isn't progressing.

I love the whole area we cover. If ya'll ever come to pick me up we should go to St. Andrews and Pembroke, Maine. Absolutely gorgeous places. Maine people are so much like Grandpa Frost. Very self-reliant and chock full of brilliant sayings. We were helping out the DeVaneys, an older couple who moved from Alaska who are very strong in the Church. Why they moved here was because of personal revelation they received in the temple. Both are converts and vegans and are probably about as active as a normal member in Flagstaff. Brother DeVaney is a craftsman of native alaskan kayaks and writes sci-fi religious novels. In his words, this man is the cat's meow. We moved a giant wood burning stove and stacked more wood for them. They fed us vegan pizza. It was awesome. Then we gave Brother DeVaney a blessing because his leg has always hurt him from his marine days. My first blessing! It went well, but my words were pretty sloppy. I am so so so so so grateful for members that love missionaries.

We taught a member present lesson!!!! Thank you for your prayers for Dennis. I know that they have certainly made an impact on him. We took Brother Peterson who is from Maine to our lesson and he pretty much taught the whole lesson! Members doing missionary work is what the prophet and ultimatly the Lord want. He really hit it off with Dennis as well as they are both lovers of history. I won't be at the next lesson because I'll be in Fredericton, but hopefully Dennis will see that this is the true church.

President Leavitt came down last Saturday for interviews which was very humbling. Made him some juice and he wants a juicer in every apartment in the mission! I have brought juice to Eastern Canada. That didn't really make him any happier as we've not been as effective as we could be. We haven't been using the area book as much as he wants and to put it in his words "Using the area book is more effective than knocking or street contacting." He did a pretty harsh slam down-also told me I am training next transfer-and was upset with our lack of effectiveness. We have set some new plans and goals and we'll be using the car less, calling members more, and using the area book. He said to stop writing home about contacting stories and to start writing home about the area book and member work so that's what I'll be doing from now on. I apologize if my letters get boring, but hopefully they won't. I really love President Leavitt, he's a lot like the Saviour in the Isaiah chapters. His anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still. There will be some big changes this week. I'm super excited and I hope that we get some more people to teach.

Thank you all for your letters and prayers, it really does move mountains here.


Elder McGuire

Monday, October 6, 2014

Come Listen to the Prophet's Voice

My two cool comps :D Elder Collett is not impressed.
(Elder Collett also did drum line)

 The whole reason I'm out here :)

 Anyone for Chess?
 Alyssa should do senior pics out here :D

Good looking kid

 Trying to escape. AHA!

The leaves <3

 The building we meet in :))) Had to take it for our facebook page :)) Hopefully I get on FB this week

                                                                                 I would make you so proud Mom 

 Elder Collett laying down the law at our Family History Presentation

We got the brethren together for the priesthood session for a dinner
I freaking love knocking


Richard McGuire

Oct 6 (2 days ago)

Dear Family,

It was a splendid week this week knowing that we were able to listen to the general authorities at the end of it. I'll talk about general conference a little later after I talk about my week. I am loving personal study. If I could have six hours to study then I think I would be prepared for the rest of the day. Personal scripture study really made conference that more enjoyable. I got so much from every talk because a lot of the same scriptures were referenced which therefore means the Spirit was guiding the message. I have vamped up my personal study because I heard a quote from one of the Zone Leaders. This was after we got in a new batch of missionaries and one Elder complained that he was assigned to speak English. To quote Elder Johnson, "You can either be a linguist or you can be a scriptorian." This statement was reaffirmed by Elder Packer when he said that "It doesn't how many languages we speak or how many countries of the world we are in, what matters is Spiritual strength."

I have been quite blessed this week. Juicing every day is the brightest idea because it saves on cash and gives me a ton of energy to keep up with the demands of missionary work (change of plan, I think I'll relate everything from my week to a talk at general conference). I loved Elder Klebigat and his adomonition that we need to have our bodies as pure temples. The Spirit cannot reside with us if we are binging on carbs and loser calories. I would also like to admit that Jorg Klebingat is probably the sassiest general authority to get up there. Nevertheless, his words ring true.

This increased energy continues to kindle my love for Maine. Maine is the promised land. I really really want to serve there because New England is so gorgeous! I can't believe I would ever say that, but it's true! Maine is the coolest state in America. We were street contacting in Calais which to be honest was about as productive as nailing jello to the ocean. After about 2 hours of walking and only 4 contacts, I felt as if we were wasting our time. Elder Collett then said that we should go back to Canada because street contacting is usually better in St. Stephen. Just before we got to the border, we all got the impression that our time in Calais wasn't over.

We stopped at the Marden's in Calais to do some store contacting. Not much luck and I felt like the prompting was more of my thoughts than the Spirit itself. However, as we were leaving the store we talked to a couple who wasn't interested, but told us to check out Monroe and Lowell street for people. This is in the heart of the ghetto of Maine. Yes, there's a ghetto in Maine. I knocked a few houses, ran into some more lesbian pagans. Apparently there's a sizable population in these parts. Interesting conversation and they weren't interested. Then we knocked into this one house.

I knocked on the door and clearly no one was home, as we walked away this car pulled up to the garage. Thinking these people were the owners of that house we walked over to strike up conversation. They were definitely not there because it was there house. One man ran into the garage and the other wouldn't roll down his window. Then after an unsuccessful conversation with the man coming out of the garage, another car pulled up. Same thing happened as I described above. Then it donned on me. I knocked into the Calais drug house...

But we still felt like we needed to be in Calais. Walking down Monroe we ran into one lady named Taaliyah and she's interested! Her family met with missionaries in the past and they are all southern black Baptists who love Mormons! Hurray! While we were talking to Taaliyah-whaddup doe-a couple of JW's came by in there car and were like "Hey I got a question for you! What's God's name?" I responded with "God" and he was like "No! It's Jehovah." JWs approach to missionary work is pretty pathetic. *claps for you.

After some more potentials we ran into one man who seemed homeless and disabled but he was genuinely interested. Dennis is so cool because he's very knowledgable about American History and I hadn't realized, but I knew enough to hold a conversation with him. He's interested in the Book of Mormon, but as we were talking to him it came out that he feels really guilty about some things he's done in the past. He wants to come to church but he can't get across the border. That's a big problem with the work around here because when people want to come to church they sometimes can't get over the border. Please pray for Dennis that he'll be able to figure out his border paperwork.

Surprise the library is kicking us off!

Quick notes

We picked up another investigator! Jim is a total redneck but wants to come to church. He loves how family oriented the church is.

I loved the words from Elder Kacher about the riptides and forces in this life. Spiritual questions deserve spiritual answers.

Load that MP3 player with as many songs of MoTab as you can and send it to me :D

I've been thinking a lot about Allen's situation and the talk "That We May Not shrink" by Elder Bednar is very very good. He may have read it, but it applies directly to his situation.

I love you all!!!!


Elder McGuire

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Richard McGuire

Dear Family,

First off, sorry for the lame emails lately. I have come up with a plan to make my emails better and more spiritual and longer. Second off, it is Halloween in the Maritimes this week which means people are putting there costumes over their winter gear which should look pretty hilarious. For Halloween, I am going as Clayton M. Christensen. If you don't know who that is, I would exhort you to look that man up. On to the week

Quote of the Week
It's lunch time and I am juicing. Elder Wolvers is making a salad and Elder Collett is making breakfast potatoes. He's adding onions and salt and peppers and it smells amazing. He then goes to the fridge and pulls out some eggs to fry up with his potatoes.

Elder McGuire: What are you doing?

Elder Collett: I'm making breakfast potatoes

Elder McGuire: You're going to adulterate that perfectly good hash!

So anyways, this has probably been the hardest week physically in my life. We are out of kilometres for the month which means we are walking to Nottingham and pretty much everywhere. If we do the math: The average Elder walks about 4 kilometres an hour, we walked for 21 hours this week. Add 10ks for the distance we cover running each morning during the week and we get about 94 kilometres! I don't know how many miles that is, but I am so exhausted out of my mind. The Spirit and kale have carried me this week and the best news is! We get to do it all again this week!! Yayyyyyy. Cannot wait until our ks are renewed this Saturday. Our area is so large we should be wiser with car use. Walking is great exercise though!

Pics from Eastport, Maine. My first lobster dinner!! Officially a maritimer now

This past Monday I had my first ever lobster dinner! Lobster is like 3 bucks a lobster out here so there was no problem in getting some. We ate with this less-active member, Shawn, who's a member of the coast guard. Originally from California and stationed out here in Maine, he doesn't come to church because there's no YSA in Atlantic Canada. I think there's a YSA branch in Halifax and maybe one in Portland, Maine, but that's out of the mission. He's moving to Ohio for school and fell away from the church because of the lack of the church out here. Nevertheless, we challenged him to get involved with YSA in Ohio, so I think our efforts are not wasted, even if people are moving away.

Some other great news this week was that I gave two blessings! It's interesting to see how Heavenly Father counsels His children. The very first thing He does is let them know He loves them. Heavenly Father does love all of His children and loves them enough to send His son to give us the gospel to then return to Him. The gospel is beautifully simple.

The first blessing we gave was to another missionary at District Meeting who has a hand, mouth, and foot disease that's going around. Incredibly, bacteria can survive out here. The second was very special for me. We were street contacting in Maine and we were in the middle of a contact when this one man comes up to us to introduce himself. Aaron is from North Carolina and suffers from depression and anxiety. He really opened up and I really opened up. Probably one of the more tender experiences on my mission. I think Heavenly Father was speaking to both of us as I was the voice for blessing Aaron. We'll continue to work with Aaron as he is less-active and will only be in Calais, Maine for a short while. He needs to come to church.

An interesting thing about Aaron is that he approached us. That just doesn't happen around here. In our member-visits, we have been challenging members to pray for the missionaries in their ward by name daily. A member here, Brother Murray (amazing wood carver and ward missionary) told us that he had been praying for people to approach us on the street. So far we have had three people approach us and we've set up three potential investigator return appointments.

One of the persons who stopped us on the street was a woman named Meredith. She goes to the non-denominational church and is losing her grandmother to cancer. She stopped her truck and called us over. "Are you Jehovah Witnesses?" And I was thinking, "Oh great here we go." Like she was going to bash with us, but she explained her situation and was saying that she's really looking for some direction in her life. We will be meeting with her Tuesday to teach The Plan of Happiness!!!!

With all of this walking, we had a large thunderstorm this past week that lasted for three days. Of course we still go to work despite the elements, so we proselyted for seven hours in the rain. Bleck I have never been more wet in my entire life! It definitely showed Heavenly Father that we are willing to do His Will, despite the elements.

Despite the potential investigator lessons we have set up, Dennis is struggling. He doesn't want to keep commitments or get across the border. There's a big temptation for Maritime missionaries to stick with the people they teach even if they aren't progressing. Elder Collett was in Cambellton, NB for 8 months and only taught one man who didn't even progress. It takes faith to let these people go until they are prepared to receive the gospel and change their lives to be in more harmony with Christ's, but it is necessary.

When we are not wasting our time with people who don't want to progress, we find the ones that do! We contacted this young teenage couple who have both come from rough homes and have attended a pentacostal church. They were worried that our meetings would be just as weird, but THEY CAME TO CHURCH!!! BOOYAH!!! Stayed for almost all of it and we taught the Restoration in Gospel Principles. AMAZING!!! Return appointment and follow-up are in order.

Something that I would love to mention. I love calling people, committing people to change, and following up with them. There's so much power behind a phone call and using the tools necessary to move the work forward. There's more than one way to preach the gospel. If all you can do is pray for your missionaries, then do that every time you pray and mean it!

As you saw in the pictures, we had an excellent Halloween party at the Hansens. This is so incredible. The Gordon's taught a lesson about putting on the armour of God and doing missionary work. They made it fun for all of the kids and then we decorated pumpkins. All of the missionaries got together and we made President Leavitt into a pumpkin. Don't think we'll be emailing the picture haha. Also, to be festive, I will be juicing a pumpkin this Friday to celebrate health and Halloween. Brother Hansen wants to return to the fold I just know it. He just needs to know that the atonement is for everyone.

The Gordon's did a fantastic job at our first ward FHE!!!

 We decorated pumpkins........

 What a great party!

We all make mistakes in life, but these mistakes are taken away through the atonement. No matter how far you've strayed from the iron rod, the atonement will take you back.

A scripture I would like to share with you all is Moroni 8:6

And now, my son, I desire that ye should labour diligently, that this gross error should be removed from among you; for, for this intent I have written this epistle.

Even if we are not seeing the first successes of our work, we must press forward. Even when nothing has been produced or we don't think what we're doing is going anywhere, we must labour diligently.

Thank you all for writing me! 



Elder McGuire 

Seriously the best day of knocking. Knocked into this one wiccan woman who was trying to learn how to play the drums. She wasn't interested in the gospel, but she wanted to hear me play!

Halloween in St. Stephen :D AND My first cup of Tim Horton hot chocolate. Now I'm a Canadian eh!

Fireworks from the evening :D

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

It's officially cold

Richard McGuire

Oct 20

Dear Family,

I don't have a ton of time because emailing is always interesting when we go to the library to do it. It is like a box of chocolates from the Ganong Chocolate Factory-you never know what you're going to get. Nevertheless, I apologize if I am cut short again. Hopefully I'll be able to get back on, but for now, here's how the week went :D

I had a really great Canadian Thanksgiving! We had supper with the Bellis Family. They are like a normal Mormon family. It is the strangest thing because we don't have a whole lot of families that attend church. It is usually members that are older who have connections with Utah or Alberta or other places where the church
is strong.
                                                    All bundled up in my new coat.                                           
                                                           It's going to be so cold D:

 Sadly, the Bellis' are moving to St. John soon because of the economy and nothing really keeping them here. Brother Bellis served a mission in France and Sister Bellis is totally a young pinterest mother. They are great! After eating dinner which consisted of mainly English food-to describe Atlantic Canada I would say it's like England but without the British accent-and really great sweet potato pie. Go and feed your missionaries! They will love you for it!!! We also got those rad pictures from Sister Bellis who is a photographer. I wish they were staying, but hopefully some new family moves in.

We have been really blessed this week with dinner appointments. We usually eat dinner once a week at the Hansens. Sister Hansen just got rebaptized in January and Brother Hansen is still excommunicated, but they are both great people. They love us so so much and make a lot of tasty English food. We had breakfast and let me tell you, there are two people on this planet that could make me eat eggs: Grandpa McGuire and Brother Hansen. Wow they were good omlettes. I will say that cooking roadkill is kind of just the thing to do out here. Might I say that raccoon is not the worst tasting thing in the world. You just need a lot of butter.

I really feel like Brother Hansen is progressing. He has done some things that weren't too great, and doesn't think like he can repent, but his heart has been softening. He came to all hours of church this past week in a suit!!!! I was so happy. You're prayers are softening hearts I can promise you they are. Brother Hansen also wants to hold an FHE at his house for Halloween! We'll be shooting off fireworks and decorating pumpkins. Please pray for Brother Hansen, I really think that he could be baptized by the end of the year.

We had splits in Fredericton this past week with the Zone Leaders. I bought my winter clothes and had a stressful time. Never tell anyone you're from Arizona when buying winter clothes. We wasted like two hours trying to find the best clothes and then at the end my card didn't even work. So we had to go to the bank and I withdrew like 800 bucks. Gah. At least I'll be warm. My coat is a Helly Hansen from Norway. This is the real deal. Don't worry about me Mom, you can bet that your boy will be warm! The most expensive thing was probably the underarmour thermals. I needed three of them and they took up about half my total purchase. They are made for scientists that go down to Antarctica, so I'll be pretty warm no worries.

Getting kicked out again gah

Dennis is progressing

We contacted for 7 hours the other day and got three potentials!!!

It is cold

Alma 29:1-4!!

Love you all!
Elder McGuire 
The beautiful Fall scenes from St. Stephen

The libraries in Maine are really different. That is all I will say

Tricked out the back of my tag with the appropriate stickers

Juicing for the week :D Bought some kale. Going to go crazy and buy some chard

The most interesting missionaries in the world. This one member had moustaches and wanted to take pictures of us so we joined in on the fun. Canadians get pretty wiley when Thanksgiving comes along.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Richard McGuire

Yes it is Turkey Day here in Canada. Living in a border town is great because the members are both American and Canadian. Therefore, we will get two thanksgivings this week! Granted you can't juice turkey, but hey, if members want to feed us, I will eat anything that they give me. I think we can measure our missionary efforts by numbering how many people make it out to church each week. Yesterday we had about 60 which is good because in previous weeks it's only been about 45 or 53. Getting people to church is probably the most difficult thing to do in this area. I encourage you all if you haven't gotten the chance already, to look up the ward boundaries in LDS tools for the St. Stephen ward. 

I'm guessing that I'll be in St. Stephen for three more months. I wish it was longer because I absolutely love this area. Despite the lack of pleasant conversations, I wouldn't be anywhere else in the world. I know Heavenly Father needs
me in Atlantic Canada for a reason. Being a new missionary feels daunting, but getting some time underneath me makes the journey not as long as it feels-obviously. With being a greenie I get an extra hour of companionship study for training. I don't know if I've mentioned this in the past, but I'm really enjoying training! It reminds me a lot of the MTC and I think I'll be reviewing all of the fundamentals throughout my whole mission. It was hilarious because on the training videos, The District, they're doing weekly planning and their numbers were like what we could probably get in a year. All you can do in this situation is plant seeds and then future missionaries will harvest those seeds.

As far as my week went it was a difficult and exhausting week, but I believe that when we are in the most trials and tribulations, we draw closer to our Saviour. Yes that is how you spell Saviour. Canadian Google Chrome is so rad. Anyways! After emailing last week I got a haircut and had an excellent gospel conversation with the barber. Someone please explain to me how you can not be religious but still believe in God. Nevertheless, he gave a great cut and if you look

on our FB page, Mormon Missionaries in St. Stephen, you will behold me holding a large zucchini with a rad haircut. Then we went grocery shopping which was very eventful. When you juice you save money, time, and increase your health. In the words of one of the members here "This is how the bear runs in the woods" (Sidenote: that really reminded me of my goof at my farewell talk hahaha). So I only spent 15 bucks on groceries for the week because all I do is juice, and win, but mostly juice. However, Elder Wolvers' card wasn't working and was rejected so I had to pay 85 bucks for his groceries. He'll pay me back, but Mom thank you so much for trying to teach me life skills. They come in really handy from time to time, especially on a mission.

I've begun to memorize a scripture or sentence from PMG daily. I think President Monson said this a while ago, but if one does this on their mission, then they'll come back with a photographic memory. In between doors is a great time to memorize scripture and I'm trying to memorize a couple of larger works:The Psalm of Nephi, The Sermon on the Mount, The Living Christ, Elder Holland's testimony of the Book of Mormon. Things like that. It's a great way to see success in myself even if the area isn't progressing.

I love the whole area we cover. If ya'll ever come to pick me up we should go to St. Andrews and Pembroke, Maine. Absolutely gorgeous places. Maine people are so much like Grandpa Frost. Very self-reliant and chock full of brilliant sayings. We were helping out the DeVaneys, an older couple who moved from Alaska who are very strong in the Church. Why they moved here was because of personal revelation they received in the temple. Both are converts and vegans and are probably about as active as a normal member in Flagstaff. Brother DeVaney is a craftsman of native alaskan kayaks and writes sci-fi religious novels. In his words, this man is the cat's meow. We moved a giant wood burning stove and stacked more wood for them. They fed us vegan pizza. It was awesome. Then we gave Brother DeVaney a blessing because his leg has always hurt him from his marine days. My first blessing! It went well, but my words were pretty sloppy. I am so so so so so grateful for members that love missionaries.

We taught a member present lesson!!!! Thank you for your prayers for Dennis. I know that they have certainly made an impact on him. We took Brother Peterson who is from Maine to our lesson and he pretty much taught the whole lesson! Members doing missionary work is what the prophet and ultimatly the Lord want. He really hit it off with Dennis as well as they are both lovers of history. I won't be at the next lesson because I'll be in Fredericton, but hopefully Dennis will see that this is the true church.

President Leavitt came down last Saturday for interviews which was very humbling. Made him some juice and he wants a juicer in every apartment in the mission! I have brought juice to Eastern Canada. That didn't really make him any happier as we've not been as effective as we could be. We haven't been using the area book as much as he wants and to put it in his words "Using the area book is more effective than knocking or street contacting." He did a pretty harsh slam down-also told me I am training next transfer-and was upset with our lack of effectiveness. We have set some new plans and goals and we'll be using the car less, calling members more, and using the area book. He said to stop writing home about contacting stories and to start writing home about the area book and member work so that's what I'll be doing from now on. I apologize if my letters get boring, but hopefully they won't. I really love President Leavitt, he's a lot like the Saviour in the Isaiah chapters. His anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still. There will be some big changes this week. I'm super excited and I hope that we get some more people to teach.

Thank you all for your letters and prayers, it really does move mountains here.


Elder McGuire

Monday, October 6, 2014

Come Listen to the Prophet's Voice

My two cool comps :D Elder Collett is not impressed.
(Elder Collett also did drum line)

 The whole reason I'm out here :)

 Anyone for Chess?
 Alyssa should do senior pics out here :D

Good looking kid

 Trying to escape. AHA!

The leaves <3

 The building we meet in :))) Had to take it for our facebook page :)) Hopefully I get on FB this week

                                                                                 I would make you so proud Mom 

 Elder Collett laying down the law at our Family History Presentation

We got the brethren together for the priesthood session for a dinner
I freaking love knocking


Richard McGuire

Oct 6 (2 days ago)

Dear Family,

It was a splendid week this week knowing that we were able to listen to the general authorities at the end of it. I'll talk about general conference a little later after I talk about my week. I am loving personal study. If I could have six hours to study then I think I would be prepared for the rest of the day. Personal scripture study really made conference that more enjoyable. I got so much from every talk because a lot of the same scriptures were referenced which therefore means the Spirit was guiding the message. I have vamped up my personal study because I heard a quote from one of the Zone Leaders. This was after we got in a new batch of missionaries and one Elder complained that he was assigned to speak English. To quote Elder Johnson, "You can either be a linguist or you can be a scriptorian." This statement was reaffirmed by Elder Packer when he said that "It doesn't how many languages we speak or how many countries of the world we are in, what matters is Spiritual strength."

I have been quite blessed this week. Juicing every day is the brightest idea because it saves on cash and gives me a ton of energy to keep up with the demands of missionary work (change of plan, I think I'll relate everything from my week to a talk at general conference). I loved Elder Klebigat and his adomonition that we need to have our bodies as pure temples. The Spirit cannot reside with us if we are binging on carbs and loser calories. I would also like to admit that Jorg Klebingat is probably the sassiest general authority to get up there. Nevertheless, his words ring true.

This increased energy continues to kindle my love for Maine. Maine is the promised land. I really really want to serve there because New England is so gorgeous! I can't believe I would ever say that, but it's true! Maine is the coolest state in America. We were street contacting in Calais which to be honest was about as productive as nailing jello to the ocean. After about 2 hours of walking and only 4 contacts, I felt as if we were wasting our time. Elder Collett then said that we should go back to Canada because street contacting is usually better in St. Stephen. Just before we got to the border, we all got the impression that our time in Calais wasn't over.

We stopped at the Marden's in Calais to do some store contacting. Not much luck and I felt like the prompting was more of my thoughts than the Spirit itself. However, as we were leaving the store we talked to a couple who wasn't interested, but told us to check out Monroe and Lowell street for people. This is in the heart of the ghetto of Maine. Yes, there's a ghetto in Maine. I knocked a few houses, ran into some more lesbian pagans. Apparently there's a sizable population in these parts. Interesting conversation and they weren't interested. Then we knocked into this one house.

I knocked on the door and clearly no one was home, as we walked away this car pulled up to the garage. Thinking these people were the owners of that house we walked over to strike up conversation. They were definitely not there because it was there house. One man ran into the garage and the other wouldn't roll down his window. Then after an unsuccessful conversation with the man coming out of the garage, another car pulled up. Same thing happened as I described above. Then it donned on me. I knocked into the Calais drug house...

But we still felt like we needed to be in Calais. Walking down Monroe we ran into one lady named Taaliyah and she's interested! Her family met with missionaries in the past and they are all southern black Baptists who love Mormons! Hurray! While we were talking to Taaliyah-whaddup doe-a couple of JW's came by in there car and were like "Hey I got a question for you! What's God's name?" I responded with "God" and he was like "No! It's Jehovah." JWs approach to missionary work is pretty pathetic. *claps for you.

After some more potentials we ran into one man who seemed homeless and disabled but he was genuinely interested. Dennis is so cool because he's very knowledgable about American History and I hadn't realized, but I knew enough to hold a conversation with him. He's interested in the Book of Mormon, but as we were talking to him it came out that he feels really guilty about some things he's done in the past. He wants to come to church but he can't get across the border. That's a big problem with the work around here because when people want to come to church they sometimes can't get over the border. Please pray for Dennis that he'll be able to figure out his border paperwork.

Surprise the library is kicking us off!

Quick notes

We picked up another investigator! Jim is a total redneck but wants to come to church. He loves how family oriented the church is.

I loved the words from Elder Kacher about the riptides and forces in this life. Spiritual questions deserve spiritual answers.

Load that MP3 player with as many songs of MoTab as you can and send it to me :D

I've been thinking a lot about Allen's situation and the talk "That We May Not shrink" by Elder Bednar is very very good. He may have read it, but it applies directly to his situation.

I love you all!!!!


Elder McGuire