Yes it is Turkey Day here in Canada. Living in a border town is great because the members are both American and Canadian. Therefore, we will get two thanksgivings this week! Granted you can't juice turkey, but hey, if members want to feed us, I will eat anything that they give me. I think we can measure our missionary efforts by numbering how many people make it out to church each week. Yesterday we had about 60 which is good because in previous weeks it's only been about 45 or 53. Getting people to church is probably the most difficult thing to do in this area. I encourage you all if you haven't gotten the chance already, to look up the ward boundaries in LDS tools for the St. Stephen ward.
I'm guessing that I'll be in St. Stephen for three more months. I wish it was longer because I absolutely love this area. Despite the lack of pleasant conversations, I wouldn't be anywhere else in the world. I know Heavenly Father needs
me in Atlantic Canada for a reason. Being a new missionary feels daunting, but getting some time underneath me makes the journey not as long as it feels-obviously. With being a greenie I get an extra hour of companionship study for training. I don't know if I've mentioned this in the past, but I'm really enjoying training! It reminds me a lot of the MTC and I think I'll be reviewing all of the fundamentals throughout my whole mission. It was hilarious because on the training videos, The District, they're doing weekly planning and their numbers were like what we could probably get in a year. All you can do in this situation is plant seeds and then future missionaries will harvest those seeds.
As far as my week went it was a difficult and exhausting week, but I believe that when we are in the most trials and tribulations, we draw closer to our Saviour. Yes that is how you spell Saviour. Canadian Google Chrome is so rad. Anyways! After emailing last week I got a haircut and had an excellent gospel conversation with the barber. Someone please explain to me how you can not be religious but still believe in God. Nevertheless, he gave a great cut and if you look
on our FB page, Mormon Missionaries in St. Stephen, you will behold me holding a large zucchini with a rad haircut. Then we went grocery shopping which was very eventful. When you juice you save money, time, and increase your health. In the words of one of the members here "This is how the bear runs in the woods" (Sidenote: that really reminded me of my goof at my farewell talk hahaha). So I only spent 15 bucks on groceries for the week because all I do is juice, and win, but mostly juice. However, Elder Wolvers' card wasn't working and was rejected so I had to pay 85 bucks for his groceries. He'll pay me back, but Mom thank you so much for trying to teach me life skills. They come in really handy from time to time, especially on a mission.
I've begun to memorize a scripture or sentence from PMG daily. I think President Monson said this a while ago, but if one does this on their mission, then they'll come back with a photographic memory. In between doors is a great time to memorize scripture and I'm trying to memorize a couple of larger works:The Psalm of Nephi, The Sermon on the Mount, The Living Christ, Elder Holland's testimony of the Book of Mormon. Things like that. It's a great way to see success in myself even if the area isn't progressing.
I love the whole area we cover. If ya'll ever come to pick me up we should go to St. Andrews and Pembroke, Maine. Absolutely gorgeous places. Maine people are so much like Grandpa Frost. Very self-reliant and chock full of brilliant sayings. We were helping out the DeVaneys, an older couple who moved from Alaska who are very strong in the Church. Why they moved here was because of personal revelation they received in the temple. Both are converts and vegans and are probably about as active as a normal member in Flagstaff. Brother DeVaney is a craftsman of native alaskan kayaks and writes sci-fi religious novels. In his words, this man is the cat's meow. We moved a giant wood burning stove and stacked more wood for them. They fed us vegan pizza. It was awesome. Then we gave Brother DeVaney a blessing because his leg has always hurt him from his marine days. My first blessing! It went well, but my words were pretty sloppy. I am so so so so so grateful for members that love missionaries.
We taught a member present lesson!!!! Thank you for your prayers for Dennis. I know that they have certainly made an impact on him. We took Brother Peterson who is from Maine to our lesson and he pretty much taught the whole lesson! Members doing missionary work is what the prophet and ultimatly the Lord want. He really hit it off with Dennis as well as they are both lovers of history. I won't be at the next lesson because I'll be in Fredericton, but hopefully Dennis will see that this is the true church.
President Leavitt came down last Saturday for interviews which was very humbling. Made him some juice and he wants a juicer in every apartment in the mission! I have brought juice to Eastern Canada. That didn't really make him any happier as we've not been as effective as we could be. We haven't been using the area book as much as he wants and to put it in his words "Using the area book is more effective than knocking or street contacting." He did a pretty harsh slam down-also told me I am training next transfer-and was upset with our lack of effectiveness. We have set some new plans and goals and we'll be using the car less, calling members more, and using the area book. He said to stop writing home about contacting stories and to start writing home about the area book and member work so that's what I'll be doing from now on. I apologize if my letters get boring, but hopefully they won't. I really love President Leavitt, he's a lot like the Saviour in the Isaiah chapters. His anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still. There will be some big changes this week. I'm super excited and I hope that we get some more people to teach.
Thank you all for your letters and prayers, it really does move mountains here.
Elder McGuire
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