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Dear Family,
It is so good to hear from you all. Thank you for being diligent in writing me and letting me know that you are studying your scriptures. As Elder Holland would say, "This church is a church founded on revelation." It makes no sense to me that God who is infinitely knowledgeable, would confine Himself to one finite book. Personal revelation is only possible with prayer and scripture study. Not praying over the scriptures is like driving a car without having a gps. You all are remarkable. Thank you for your letters.
Quote of the Week:
Elder McGuire (In mid contact)-So what role has religion played in your life?
Potential investigator-I would describe myself as an agnostic Buddhist
Elder McGuire:...
Potential investigator-actually no, more like an atheistic Buddhist
I love street contacting to pieces. I have met and talked with so many interesting people. The other day I had like a 20 minute conversation about baskets with this one woman who identifies native American (Canadian?) baskets and then blogs about them. Yes, Canada is still the promised land.
We had a returned missionary come home to Maine this past week. Elder Peterson, now Kenny, served in the Nevada Reno mission, which I'm quite sure covers Dayton. You'll have to double check me on that. Nevertheless, he is still very fired up to do missionary work and he'll be around for another 3 months before joining the military. It's like being in a trio all over again except this time it's with a very experience missionary. We took Kenny with us to teach Aaron, but Aaron wasn't home and wasn't picking up his phone (Dad now I know how you feel when you're trying to make things happen and no one is picking up their phone), but we stopped by anyways. Aaron's girlfriend, Tony, was there and welcomed us in to talk with us; Aaron was asleep and didn't want to talk to us. We chatted for a little bit and then we started talking about her religious background and her and Aaron. The Spirit was there and Kenny did a superb job of using the Book of Mormon. She said she wanted to sit in on the lessons we'll be teaching Aaron, so woohoo new investigator.
I think Mom you said this in one of your letters, but yes. Any time we teach someone or someone invites us over is a paramount success. This area has strong religious roots, but everyone either doesn't go or doesn't believe in God to go to their church. It's a weird place, but I love St. Stephen. It is pretty much Kanab but in Canada. You can drive through it in 5 minutes and see old shops that have been there for ages.
Bishop Doskas has also called Kenny to serve as a ward missionary and he'll be training our other ward missionaries on how to effectively do member-missionary work. This is so exciting, Kenny really is a tender mercy from the Lord. We met with the young men, or should I say, young man, Sebastian, and did a training on how to start gospel conversations and invite people to learn more about the gospel. I know it is said numerous times that the way to do member missionary work or let people know that you are LDS is to "Be an example." That sounds nice because you don't have to do anything, but live your sweet life. As members of Christ's church we need to open our mouths and be bold. I'm not too pleased with my former self, because yeah for the most part I did what I was told with a few exceptions, but I never opened my mouth and talked openly about my beliefs.
Furthermore, this has probably been the most productive week of my mission. A lot of things I questioned last transfer, but because I wasn't in charge of anything I kind of just went with the flow. Now that I am district leader and that I have the reins I am making things happen. We are using the area book a whole lot more to contact people. People that actually accepted the missionaries at one point. It feels so good to set up appointments in my planner and not write down aimless street contacting. Contacting referrals and working where those referrals are is the most effective way I've found out how to do missionary work. We spent 5 hours yesterday on Union street talking to people and asking for referrals. Finally ran into Don and Hazel the wreath makers (Wreath making is quite the fad around here) and we'll be teaching them the Plan of Salvation later this week.
As DL I feel like even greater pressure is on me to make my area an example for the rest of my district. This is somewhat of a challenge because think of working in an area like Kanab (St. Stephen) compared to the work in Fredericton (Provo). Nevertheless, I am figuring things out and getting things done. I like systems and making a ton of phone calls. Talking with everyone and reminding them to do what we've asked them is critical to missionary work. We Invite, They Commit, We Follow-Up! I can move mountains with following-up with people about their member-missionary work. Contacted like 10 referrals this past week and in the past, I've never gotten referrals. I feel like I'm on fire! The Holy Ghost is very strong in the work here.
We picked up a new investigator from a referral from Brother Wood (He is our best member-missionary)! Think about that, a member referred us to someone and now we are teaching her. Debbie is from Oak Bay which is on the way to St. Andrews. She wants to know the difference between our religion and the JWs and she loves loves loves to quilt. We tried to get her out to our Fall ward activity the harvest dinner, but she's quite the recluse. I am making it a priority to make daily contact with our investigators, ward leadership, and my district members. I have never made so many phone calls in my life. I used to be so afraid of calling people, but now that I know what I'm doing, I love calling people and talking to them.
We also picked up another new investigator from the area book. Former investigators are usually still interested and I'm not even a 10th of the way through our area book. I really feel like I can baptize just as much as they do in South America or Tonga even if missionaries in this mission only get one or two in their whole two years. I am so motivated to do the work this is an unbelievable feeling. Jason is our new investigator and he's gone through some very difficult times. I won't go into details, but just talking with him brings tears to my eyes. He loves the idea that God loves him, has a plan for him, and wants the best for him.
Continually, we are being blessed with success. Your prayers have made Brother Hansen so soft hearted! He came to church in a suit!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAH!!! This is so exciting. He also invited us over for Thursday supper and he wants to tell me why he's at war with God. I feel so blessed and happy, I can't even believe this is real.
Thank you so much for your prayers and letters.
2 Nephi 31:20
Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.
When we do God's will, we can have hope, or the expectation that God will bless us.
I love you all!
Elder McGuire
Elder Wolvers and I about to show St. Stephen no mercy this transfer
Elder Wolvers and I about to show St. Stephen no mercy this transfer
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