Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Into Thy Hands I Commend My Spirit


Brother Muggah
Dear Family,

Well here we are. I somewhat feel like Nephi or Moroni giving their
final words. If I could leave you with anything I would say here are
the top five things I have learned on my mission.

1. I have learned how important it is to be genuinely humble. I came
out very fake with the gospel. My depth of conversion was no where
near what it needed to be. Through trying companions, areas, and
people everyday.

2. I have learned how important it is to study the scriptures. We meet
so many different people with so many different views and opinions.
The first time I went street contacting we met a returned missionary
who got his name removed from the church. He had just gotten back from
the Book of Mormon musical in New York. He slammed us with temple anti
and Joseph Smith anti. I went back to the mission home crying. I was
determined to study until everything made sense. It wasn't until about
a year into my mission that I got a testimony of God.

3. I have learned how important it is to be patient. I have had some
very challenging companions on my mission. I have had companions with
autism, asbergers, psychopathy, and chronic depression. Many of you
have made lots of mistakes and told me about them. It's been
challenging to deal with that on my mission. I have learned that it's
just better to understand people and not let pride get in the way. I'm
still working on this one.

4. I have learned that hard work is the key to success. There have
been many weeks we hit the pavement every hour of the day looking for
people to teach. There have been multiple weeks we didn't teach a
single lesson or people just didn't want to listen to anything we had
to say. Only the missionaries and returned missionaries understand how
it goes. I appreciate the empathy some of you have expressed towards
me. If you ever want to know what it's like, go live with the
missionaries for a week.

5. I have learned that the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored
through the prophet Joseph Smith. This has been what has been the most
challenging to gain a testimony of for me. I have testified and taught
this truth to thousands of people. I have been mocked, taunted, and
spit on. A mission is the best way to understand the life of the
saviour. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I can't wait to see you all. You all have waited so patiently. I have
two rules for when I get home.

1. I could seriously care less about the movies, the internet posts,
and pokemon go. Don't try and get me to be involved with them. I want
to talk with you all more than anything.

2. Don't make any jokes about missionaries. I have literally fought
for two years to gain respect from people. I just want respect at this

The church is true. The gospel is true.



Elder McGuire

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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Into Thy Hands I Commend My Spirit


Brother Muggah
Dear Family,

Well here we are. I somewhat feel like Nephi or Moroni giving their
final words. If I could leave you with anything I would say here are
the top five things I have learned on my mission.

1. I have learned how important it is to be genuinely humble. I came
out very fake with the gospel. My depth of conversion was no where
near what it needed to be. Through trying companions, areas, and
people everyday.

2. I have learned how important it is to study the scriptures. We meet
so many different people with so many different views and opinions.
The first time I went street contacting we met a returned missionary
who got his name removed from the church. He had just gotten back from
the Book of Mormon musical in New York. He slammed us with temple anti
and Joseph Smith anti. I went back to the mission home crying. I was
determined to study until everything made sense. It wasn't until about
a year into my mission that I got a testimony of God.

3. I have learned how important it is to be patient. I have had some
very challenging companions on my mission. I have had companions with
autism, asbergers, psychopathy, and chronic depression. Many of you
have made lots of mistakes and told me about them. It's been
challenging to deal with that on my mission. I have learned that it's
just better to understand people and not let pride get in the way. I'm
still working on this one.

4. I have learned that hard work is the key to success. There have
been many weeks we hit the pavement every hour of the day looking for
people to teach. There have been multiple weeks we didn't teach a
single lesson or people just didn't want to listen to anything we had
to say. Only the missionaries and returned missionaries understand how
it goes. I appreciate the empathy some of you have expressed towards
me. If you ever want to know what it's like, go live with the
missionaries for a week.

5. I have learned that the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored
through the prophet Joseph Smith. This has been what has been the most
challenging to gain a testimony of for me. I have testified and taught
this truth to thousands of people. I have been mocked, taunted, and
spit on. A mission is the best way to understand the life of the
saviour. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I can't wait to see you all. You all have waited so patiently. I have
two rules for when I get home.

1. I could seriously care less about the movies, the internet posts,
and pokemon go. Don't try and get me to be involved with them. I want
to talk with you all more than anything.

2. Don't make any jokes about missionaries. I have literally fought
for two years to gain respect from people. I just want respect at this

The church is true. The gospel is true.



Elder McGuire

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